About BerkeleyGains
- What does BerkeleyGains means?
- BerkeleyGains is a member of NSE BSE NCDEX MCX
- What is the meaning of BerkeleyGains?
- BerkeleyGains is a member of NSE BSE NCDEX MCX
- What is the Description of BerkeleyGains?
- BerkeleyGains is a member of NSE BSE NCDEX MCX
- What is BerkeleyGains?
- BerkeleyGains is a member of NSE BSE NCDEX MCX
- What does name means?
- BerkeleyGains is a member of NSE BSE NCDEX MCX
- When did BerkeleyGains started?
- We started our operation in MCX NCDEX 2009 & NSE BSE in 2010 and started depository services in 2013
- How old is BerkeleyGains?
- We started our operation in MCX NCDEX 2009 & NSE BSE in 2010 and started depository services in 2013
- How old is this company?
- We started our operation in MCX NCDEX 2009 & NSE BSE in 2010 and started depository services in 2013
- Is this a new company?
- We started our operation in MCX NCDEX 2009 & NSE BSE in 2010 and started depository services in 2013
- Is this an old company?
- We started our operation in MCX NCDEX 2009 & NSE BSE in 2010 and started depository services in 2013
- When you took/bought tickets/ membership of exchange?
- We started our operation in MCX NCDEX 2009 & NSE BSE in 2010 and started depository services in 2013
- Where is BerkeleyGains based in?
- Our registered office in Chandigarh
- Where is your headoffice or registered office?
- Our registered office in Chandigarh
- What is your location?
- Our registered office in Chandigarh
- From where you operate?
- Our registered office in Chandigarh
- Where is your HO or corporate office?
- Our registered office in Chandigarh
- How much branch presence is of BerkeleyGains?
- Presently we have our presence in Chandigarh Punjab Haryana and Uttarpradesh. And franchisees in other 8 states
- How many branches BerkeleyGains have?
- Presently we have our presence in Chandigarh Punjab Haryana and Uttarpradesh. And franchisees in other 8 states
- In which area you have branches?
- Presently we have our presence in Chandigarh Punjab Haryana and Uttarpradesh. And franchisees in other 8 states
- What is your Branch location?
- Presently we have our presence in Chandigarh Punjab Haryana and Uttarpradesh. And franchisees in other 8 states
- Do you have branch in …..?
- Presently we have our presence in Chandigarh Punjab Haryana and Uttarpradesh. And franchisees in other 8 states
- Whether BerkeleyGains is a proprietary firm or partnership or private/ pvt. Limited or limited company
- BerkeleyGains is a public limited company
- Status of BerkeleyGains?
- BerkeleyGains is a public limited company
- Who are the directors of the company?
- Board of directors consists of chartered accountants and other professionals having experience in the market for more than 20 years
- Who are board of directors?
- Board of directors consists of chartered accountants and other professionals having experience in the market for more than 20 years
- Who is owners/ promoters of the company?
- Board of directors consists of chartered accountants and other professionals having experience in the market for more than 20 years
- What is unique feature BerkeleyGains having and why should I select BerkeleyGains?
- BerkeleyGains is having various unique advantages :
Flat brokerage of Rs20 per executed order and other exciting offers
2. Fast Rates updation and trade execution
3. World class Data centre hosting
4. Online Backoffice 24X7
5. Online payment gateway
6. Online Trading through Web, Software, Mobile App
7. Daily SMS alert for your balance and netposition and trade confirmation
Why BerkeleyGains
1. Why BerkeleyGains?
BerkeleyGains is having various unique advantages :
1. Flat brokerage of Rs20 per executed order and other exciting offers
2. Fast Rates updation and trade execution
3. World class Data centre hosting
4. Online Backoffice 24X7
5. Online payment gateway
6. Online Trading through Web, Software, Mobile App
7. Daily SMS alert for your balance and netposition and trade confirmation
2. Important/ special/ unique features of BerkeleyGains?
BerkeleyGains is having various unique advantages :
1. Flat brokerage of Rs20 per executed order and other exciting offers
2. Fast Rates updation and trade execution
3. World class Data centre hosting
4. Online Backoffice 24X7
5. Online payment gateway
6. Online Trading through Web, Software, Mobile App
7. Daily SMS alert for your balance and netposition and trade confirmation
3. Advantages of BerkeleyGains?
BerkeleyGains is having various unique advantages :
1. Flat brokerage of Rs20 per executed order and other exciting offers
2. Fast Rates updation and trade execution
3. World class Data centre hosting
4. Online Backoffice 24X7
5. Online payment gateway
6. Online Trading through Web, Software, Mobile App
7. Daily SMS alert for your balance and netposition and trade confirmation
4. What is the brokerage?
BerkeleyGains is having various unique advantages :
1. Flat brokerage of Rs20 per executed order and other exciting offers
2. Fast Rates updation and trade execution
3. World class Data centre hosting
4. Online Backoffice 24X7
5. Online payment gateway
6. Online Trading through Web, Software, Mobile App
7. Daily SMS alert for your balance and netposition and trade confirmation
5. What brokerage you charge?
BerkeleyGains is having various unique advantages :
1. Flat brokerage of Rs20 per executed order and other exciting offers
2. Fast Rates updation and trade execution
3. World class Data centre hosting
4. Online Backoffice 24X7
5. Online payment gateway
6. Online Trading through Web, Software, Mobile App
7. Daily SMS alert for your balance and netposition and trade confirmation
6. What BerkeleyGains offers?
BerkeleyGains is having various unique advantages :
1. Flat brokerage of Rs20 per executed order and other exciting offers
2. Fast Rates updation and trade execution
3. World class Data centre hosting
4. Online Backoffice 24X7
5. Online payment gateway
6. Online Trading through Web, Software, Mobile App
7. Daily SMS alert for your balance and netposition and trade confirmation